Behind-the-ear hearing aids

2x Siemens Orion 2 RIC Behind The Ear Digital RIC Hearing Aids Pair 16 Channel

2x Siemens Orion 2 RIC Behind The Ear Digital RIC Hearing Aids Pair 16 Channel

2x Siemens Orion 2 RIC Behind The Ear Digital RIC Hearing Aids Pair 16 Channel

Siemens Orion covers a range of hearing losses. Orion RIC that can support mild to severe hearing loss.

Each Orion model has major beneficial features to allow you to hear easily and live your life without slowing down. The rugged design of these hearing aids allows the safe continuation of active lifestyle.

Microphones are encased in nanocoated membranes. A rubber gasket and closed frame on the hearing aid keeps dirt, sweat, and other particles from entering the device, making it perfect for gardening, running, hiking, or to go cycling without worrying about hearing aid's performance being compromised. Feedback-whistling noises often caused by hearing aids are prevented in the Orion. Lastly, the Orion RIC model feature telecoil technology. You will be able to once again hear a speaker in a large auditorium. You will no longer have to miss out on all that life has to offer. The Siemens Orion series has a few extra benefits. Tinnitus, or "ringing in the ears", as 1 in 5 people do, the Siemens Orion has technology to help relieve those debilitating symptoms. E2E (Ear 2 Ear) connects your hearing aids, making it seamless to change programs and volume. Color will be Beige Device will be programmed as per users request for no extra charge. You must provide to me either a signed statement from a physician or a signed waiver before I will deliver this item to you.
2x Siemens Orion 2 RIC Behind The Ear Digital RIC Hearing Aids Pair 16 Channel